Quick Guide: Applying for a Post Office Job and Postal Exam You apply for a job, not an exam Under their new eCareers hiring and testing system,…
Under their new system, you apply for a job, not for an exam. And you can apply for a job anytime one is posted that you want to pursue. There is…
The Post Office recruitment section is incredibly difficult to contact and not available by phone at all, but you can reach them by email. The…
Under the Postal Service's newly instituted Fast Track hiring process, to get a job, you must have the absolute highest score among all…
You can only take the four new tests that are now used to fill over 95% of all jobs either once every two years or once a year depending upon your…
This discussion is based upon the assumption that you will take exam 474, 475, 476 or 477. These are new exams now used to fill over 95% of all…
Historically Post Office exam scores have been valid 6 years, but that may be changing due to revisions underway with their hiring and testing…
The most popular tests are exams 474, 475, 476 & 477 that are now used to fill over 95% of all jobs. These are the four new tests replaced old…
There are three sections, described below, on USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MC (474), also called Postal Exam 474, all of which consist of…
There are four sections, described below, on USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MH (475), also called Postal Exam 475, most of which consist of…
There are four sections, described below, on USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MP (476), also called Postal Exam 476, most of which consist of…
There are four sections, described below, on USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – CS (477), also called Postal Exam 477, most of which consist of…
EXAM 473 HAS BEEN RETIRED AND REPLACED BY FOUR NEW TESTS – EXAMS 474, 475, 476 & 477 This blog originally answered the above question, but…
USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MC (474), also called Postal Exam 474, consists of 3 sections and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Following…
USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MH (475), also called Postal Exam 475, consists of 4 sections and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Following…
USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – MP (476), also called Postal Exam 476, consists of 4 sections and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Following…
USPS Virtual Entry Assessment – CS (477), also called Postal Exam 477, consists of 4 sections and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Following…
The scoring software creates a profile of you based upon your answers and compares your profile with their theoretical profile for an ideal mail…
The scoring software creates a profile of you based upon your answers and compares your profile with their theoretical profile for an ideal…