There are eighteen different categories of questions in Describe Your Approach section with up to seven questions per category presented in a random fashion.
Describe Your Approach is by far the most difficult section, and 70% of all exam questions are found in this section. This is the section that will make you or break you. The questions are incredibly confusing, and the way you answer them is even more weird.
They are looking for specific answers that demonstrate your potential as an employee. To succeed, you must choose the particular answers they seek.
Based upon your answers, the scoring software builds a profile of you and compares it to their theoretical profile for an ideal employee. Your score is a measure of how well you match their ideal profile.
The recommended answers in our bestselling USPS Practice Tests with Actual Postal Exam Questions & Proven Best Answers are proven to match their ideal profile. The author has used these answers to ace exams 474, 475, 476 & 477 multiple times, and applicants often do the same.
This guide explains in detail how to handle every exam section, and it gives you specific answer advice for every question.
Included are four complete, ultra-realistic, and interactive practice tests. The practice test questions are the actual questions from the real exams slightly reworded to avoid violation of copyright law.
Order USPS Practice Tests with Actual Postal Exam Questions & Proven Best Answers right away to assure you achieve the absolute highest possible score and get the job! Click here for details.